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Advanced Admin Panel
Ventus is powered with an Advanced Admin Panel which will let you customize Ventus the way you need it for your website.

You can change pages layoutsidebar settingstheme colors and more settings in Ventus advanced admin panel. We’ve tried to use as many image as possible in the admin panel to make it easier to understand and work for users. Just click and change options and see it on your site.

Admin Panel Screenshots
Exclusive ShortCode Manager
ShortCodes are great WordPress features that help you create advanved contents easily and without knowing HTML or PHP. Ventus goes beyond this by giving you a powerful and Visual Shortcode Manager. It helps you to create great elements on you pages easily and by only a few clicks. Creating portfolio pages, tabs and accordions, headings and … was never been this easy.

ShortCode Manager Tour
Drag n Drop Page Builder
Do you want to easily create multiple columns, rows and web elements without using HTML codes? Then our page builder is here for you. Ventus is packed with the Most Popular WordPress Page Builder pluginVisual Composer. It helps you to create pages so easily. It worth $25 and you can have it free if you get Ventus.

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Revolution Slider
These days, the best way to deliver your message to your visitors is using a great slider. We have put the best of them in Ventus. It’s Revolution Slider which worth $15 but you can use it free in Ventus. Revolution Slider is the #1 slider plugin in the world. It’s easy and fun and full of features.

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[h5 type=”heading” align=”left”]Custom Post Types[/h5]Custom Post Types are the best way to use WordPress as a great CMS. You can create content in custom post types once and make their output on your website pages with Ventus shortcodes easily. In Ventus, you have the ability to make PortfolioTabsToursFAQPrice Tables and Team Members in post types so you can put them on every pages of your website without re-creating their content.
[h5 type=”heading” align=”left”]Even More[/h5]Unlimited Sidebars, Unlimited Colors, Google Web FontsTypography Options, Widgetized Footer and … are just a few more features of Ventus.

And the most important thing is Support. We would love to see your website shine and of course we love to see it shine with Ventus. So we would never leave you alone.